Tag Archives: digital nomads

For the seconds, on the road

We got married on 15th Jan 2012. After a four day honeymoon in Goa where our family had joined us, we were both heading back to London to resume our jobs. Our parents bid us farewell at the airport and said to each other, “Here they go, these two weirdoes tied for life to each other and the settled life. Thank God they married each other otherwise who else would marry them.” Little did they know that by the end of the year 2012 the two weirdoes would return home in the middle of the night knocking on the doors to tell them that they had both quit their jobs, said goodbye to freezing London to travel the world and enjoy the coconut water in the sun for a little longer than a weekend. “How long is this travel thing going to go on?” –            An year… Maybe, two years. “What! Two years.” –          “No, No, certainly not two years, one year it is. For sure” “Nothing doing, you come back here in two months and start working again.” we were told. –          We simply nodded. But in two months we were only getting started. Eight weeks went by in spending time with our families and enjoying yet another joint vacation on the Konkan coast in Maharasthra. We kick-started our time off with a 10 day silent meditation training where Vikram & I stayed in separate male and female quarters and were not allowed to meet. The experience was indeed unique not just because we didn’t see each other for 10 straight day but because we discovered the inner turmoil when all else outside was calm. It was my first meditation experience of any kind and the first check off our travel/experience list. We next headed to our favourite place …

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