If money can stop you, then your life is a waste

Every time people find out about our blog, the very first question they ask us, how much money do you make from it? The first few months, we got carried away and kept on trying every possible tip and advice to make money. Someone or the other would ask that question and would get us thinking. Then we were sitting on the beach in Goa watching the sun set, and both of us thought at the same time, if it is only money that we seek from the blog, what was wrong with the jobs we were doing? It was a very well paying job where we slogged our asses for 5-7 years and made enough to support ourselves for a year and a half. Now is the time to enjoy that hard earned money. So today we give up, No more thought about money. When the money runs out, we know where to go back or something will work out on its own. Life is unpredictable, so why should we be control freaks trying to twist and turn fate when we know nothing is in our control. Wondering where all this gyaan is coming from? We recently met a Traveler who has been on the road for about 4.5 years, and she has run out of money. When she says she has run out of money, it is not to sound like a proper backpacker but she really means it. For over a week she was figuring out the cheapest way to get to Delhi from Bombay and all the search concluded in the general class of the Trains, because it is truly the cheapest mode and that no one would ever come there to check her ticket. I was curious and asked her, how does she plan to continue traveling when the money runs out completely. She says this “IF MONEY CAN STOP YOU, THEN YOUR LIFE IS A WASTE”.

About Empty Ruck Sack

Empty Rucksack travelers is an attempt to bring together many wonderful stories of career breaks, long term vacations and great travel destinations together at one place. The posts authored by Empty Rucksack Travelers are put together by Vikram and Ishwinder, an Indian couple out on a long term travel to find that perfect place in the world where they may want to stay forever.

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  1. wow now that is a hardcore girl! #girlpower lol
    Rachel of Hippie in Heels recently posted…A Soul Searcher’s Guide to UdaipurMy Profile

  2. Nice to see people with great appetite for travelling.
    Wish you more n more travel.

  3. Great spirit ! Yeah, there’s no point in running behind money in our hobbies and passions. Will totally drain the joy out of it.. in the process, if it does happen well and good.

  4. This is how it should be! It takes quite a while to make some money with your blog and it’s better to do it as fun… and of course I hope you will earn lots of money.. love your blog guys.
    Wesley Travels recently posted…Travel Hacks Everyone Should KnowMy Profile

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