What Mcleodganj has but Manali does not

Mcleodganj and Manali are the two most popular Himalayan traveller hotspots of Himachal Pradesh. We have spent a lot of time at both and can’t pick one over the other BUT

Here are 5 things which Mcleodganj has but Manali does not.

Empty rucksack travelers tibet quality bakery mcleodganj

1. Cakes and Coffee : We know there are too many German Bakeries in Manali but they all taste the same, its like the same person bakes all the cakes overnight and sends them across to all the German Bakeries in Manali. Whereas in Mcleodganj every Cafe, bakery will have its own selection of cakes and each one of them are something to die for.

Empty rucksack travelers mcleodganj tibet

2. Tibetan Buddhist Monks : The Dalai Temple reigns over the area lending it an environment of peace and quiet.

Empty Rucksack Travelers Village Shila dharamshala

3. ย Smaller Hamlets : There are so many tiny hamlets scattered around Dharamshala that you can easily trek between them, and find your own quiet spots. Trust us there are so many walks and hikes already, you could walk those or devise your own.

Empty rucksack travelers mcleodganj dharamkot hippies

4. Dharamkot – A Huge Mountain : It is a part of Mcleodganj and yet a seperate entity in itself. If you want to beat the crowds, and get a hippie feel, you should head here.

Empty rucksack travelers mcleodganj momos

5. Amazing momos : there are so many varieties of momo’s available here that you are spoilt for choice.

About Empty Ruck Sack

Empty Rucksack travelers is an attempt to bring together many wonderful stories of career breaks, long term vacations and great travel destinations together at one place. The posts authored by Empty Rucksack Travelers are put together by Vikram and Ishwinder, an Indian couple out on a long term travel to find that perfect place in the world where they may want to stay forever.

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  1. MOMO’s…. i love them!!!
    Rachel of Hippie in Heels recently posted…This is India! (four)My Profile

  2. Nice comparison ! Will definitely plan Mcleodganj once.. only problem is I stay in Bangalore..and the flight charges are so steep ๐Ÿ™

  3. Interesting things that would make me pick McLeodganj over Manali.

  4. Hi I may be not really be the right person to spot the difference but hey I am from Kullu-Manali and have been residing in Dharamshala for quite some time now. I completely disagree with all the points except no. 1 :p
    2. Beep wrong: You have a good population of tibetans and tibetan Lama’s in Manali, we have many prominent monastries around there.
    3.Smaller hamlets: Really? Have you looked around in Manali towards left bank side-Naggar Castle and all, towards Rohtang, towards soland Nala? In between these famous places are tons of lovely hamlets and I love them ๐Ÿ™‚ The picturesque Landscape and view around these hamlets leaves you breathless!
    4.Dharamkot: A huge Mountain:: Again, really? 0_o ? Then what about Old manali for the hippie feel and Vashisht ?
    5. Momos: Seriously what?? Momo is what people eat in Manali!! Yes but we dont get Potato momo’s there I guess. Try Chopsticks’s momo’s on Mall road Manali.

    The biggest difference between the two lovely places is
    1. Books ๐Ÿ™‚ Mcleodganj along with its food gives you plenty of wonderful bookshops and cafe’s with bools which is quite visibaly absent from the whole manali scene.
    2. The cafe’s here give you more space for socialising and discussion and events happening because its thriving on religious tourism and Manali on the other hand is solely commercialised tourism!

    Thus I am having better time here in Mcleodganj, Good food and a good book ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Shalini,

      Thats the most honest comment we have ever received. All your points are valid, very very valid.

      You make Mcleodganj look very funny, especially with all the witty remarks.

      Sending you an email, please check.

  5. kullu and manali is the nature filled place in nindia with good tourist destination

  6. Kullu & Manali is one the best and a sightful destination With its picturesque views of snow-clad mountains, river valleys, charming cafes i really loved it when i visit.

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